Sunday, 2 September 2012

The Triot

The Triot

This is a template for unity and the true marriage of man and woman, the masculine and feminine. This is the origin of relationship on Earth. It is the collective made personal, when the hand of mystery reaches far into the world of human affairs. An end it is, yet also a beginning. 
The living myth of The Triot is a story of the heart and its pulsing opportunities. Its pages are alive with the fluid script of love and in love it delivers its promise – to flood this creaking world with the real force of forgiveness. The song it sings is a call to arms and the rallying cry of war; yet its fight is for, not against and its battlefields lie deep in the folds of the clouded realm known coarsely as the human mind.
The Triot, for those prepared to risk a true opening of the heart, is quite simply a gateway into a land of brutal honesty. It holds no hiding place for those still gathered under the seductive banner of ego. It harbours no grudges and shelters no travellers of wavering intent. It is a challenge to live life with acceptance of death and the constant clamour of uncertainty. Its river runs deep, unobstructed by dam or attempts at diversion. When its song bursts forth both heaven and hell are joined in holy matrimony, fused in a fire of such innocent warmth that the seeds of new worlds find soil and raise shoots in deep homage to mystery.

The Myth
In a time when the land covering this planet was one unified mass, there existed certain people whose Function and ultimate purpose was to channel unconditional love into the heart of the Earth. They fulfilled the authentic purpose intended for human beings, namely, to act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The most potent form of channelling, when a most pure form of energy was lovingly directed into the Earth, occurred when a man and a woman consciously worked together for this common purpose. Such a Sacred Relationship was known as a Triot, with the prefix of ‘Tri’ hinting at the triangular shape of its nature. The Triot was a holy communion between Man, Woman and Mystery, a perfect energetical equilateral triangle that allowed a direct channelling of the purest spirit without any possibility of contamination or reduction of its power. 
When the Triot was activated, the humans involved simply acted as perfect acupuncture needles, nourishing the Earth with this vital life-force and in so doing, maintaining the harmonious balance that was necessary for sustaining the very life of the planet itself, as a conscious being. In the time period in which this myth has its roots and origins, the country now known as France represented the energetical heart of the entire land mass. Here, particularly in what are now in our own times the central regions of the country, Triot activations reached their maximum potential. The electrical charge the Earth received during activations in this region is almost beyond our contemporary capacity for understanding. Almost. Yet the site and location of every single Triot activation continues to vibrate to this very day. It is not that the Earth has lost its vibrancy; it is more that most humans have unknowingly buried their natural and miraculous sensitivity deep within the folds of their unconscious.

Come my love, come close enough
And hold me in your breath.
For worlds are being born tonight
In life and love and death.

Press your beating heart to mine
So that they may converse,
In tongues of molten honesty
Whose speech none can rehearse.

And who can say what words emerge
From deep within their nest,
To fill the evening air with rain
That cleans as rain does best.

Each droplet falls with certainty
That fall it will no more,
When, fat with full expectancy
It greets the waiting floor.

And how each trembling molecule
Does weep with pure delight,
To know that love sits splendidly
Between the day and night.

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